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River Through the Prairie; A Story Inspired By AI Images

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Will Bontrager

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Read about the misadventure of a greenhorn who takes a solo vacation to a river running through a prairie. The story was inspired by an AI image and is based on AI images.

River Through the Prairie; A Story Inspired By AI Images

An AI-generated image started it.

The author (me) is a writer who also uses AI software to generate images.

On a whim, I asked for an image of a river running through a prairie.

The image captured my attention. It triggered a creative thought inside me related to the likelihood of a deep hole somewhere in that river.

I made more related images.

The gist of the story flowed into my head. It is a short story, fast flowing (mostly).

The AI-generated images interspersed within the story have all been resized and many have had tweaks for sharpness and lightness.

The story is about the misadventure of a greenhorn who takes a solo vacation to a river running through a prairie.

It is a straight-forward story, filled with AI images.

Rather than the images supporting the story, the story is inspired by the images

The book is a treat. It is a short story with many images.

For your smiling pleasure.

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